Dateline: November 9, 2012; 5:00 PM CST, Milwaukee WI
Tuesday’s election was a tipping point. A majority of the country voted their self interests over the good of the economy, the Nation, and the Constitution. As a result, in the past few days we have seen scores of layoff announcements and a stock market drop. We are faced in the short term with rising ta...
Dateline: November 9, 2012; 5:00 PM CST, Milwaukee WI
Tuesday’s election was a tipping point. A majority of the country voted their self interests over the good of the economy, the Nation, and the Constitution. As a result, in the past few days we have seen scores of layoff announcements and a stock market drop. We are faced in the short term with rising ta...
x rates and drastic mandated spending cuts all looming by or at year’s end. Both the President and the Speaker will each claim a mandate, and the result will be a stalemate. If a deal should happen to get done, does anyone really think there will be any real reduction in our deficit and debt? More than likely the best that will happen is a bad deal that will only raise our deficit to $1.4 trillion instead of $1.6 trillion. Talk about your Pyrrhic victory.
Over the next four years we will see unemployment rise as employers are forced into survival mode. They will lay off employees or reduce hours to offset tax increases and to avoid meeting the minimum number of employees to fall under the ObamaTax mandates. The employment rate when the President took office in January in 2009 was 7.8%. When re-elected it was 7.9%. We will be lucky to be in the single digits when we select our next President in 2016.
As the Fed continues to print money and as the President wages his war on fossil fuels we will see prices at the pumps and on the shelves rise while real disposable income declines. We will see out of pocket costs for health care rise as employers opt to pay the fine ($2K) rather than provide health insurance ($6 - $12K) in order to stay afloat. By 2016, we will have double digit inflation.
Right now we have historically low interests rates, but even this has not loosened the reins on the economy. As inflation kicks in rates will rise which will not only make consumer and business borrowing less attractive, but these same interest rate increases will explode the cost just to service our national debt, much less knock down any principal. Expect to see double digit interest rates by 2016.
All this while enduring perhaps the most corrupt and secretive administration in history (hey, nobody DIED during the Watergate Cover Up) that allows our embassies to be attacked and our drones shot down over international waters without response, all while offering “flexibility” to the nation that is and will be the biggest backer of our Middle Eastern enemies.
Since a majority of Americans in enough states have voted for their self interests over that of the economy, Nation, and Constitution, I will also be going into survival mode like many other American families and business. Consider this my notice of strike action.
It’s simple really. Generally speaking spending falls into five main categories: 1) Taxes (off the top, can’t avoid them) 2) Necessities (you have to eat and sleep) 3) Obligations (you have to honor your commitments) 4) Savings (you won’t work forever) and finally, after taking care of the first four, you have 5) Discretionary income.
When the costs of the first three skyrocket and the returns on the fourth plummet (or even turn NEGATIVE) the only place left to cut is in the last category – discretionary spending. So I’m on strike. I’m not spending – not to intentionally hurt the economy or my fellow Americans but because I have an obligation to myself and my family to provide for our present and try to secure our future, espcecially when the upcoming economic catastrophe is so forseeable. My wife will still pay her tithing and I’ll still support my charitable causes (we count these as voluntary obligations rather than necessities) but going out for date night, buying a new outfit, or taking that trip will be replaced with playing board games at home, stocking up on food storage and water, and moving to somewhere remote.
I worked my way through school tending bar and delivering pizzas, and I was grateful to every customer who gave or left me a tip that supported me for four years. To this day when I go out I am overly generous with my server. Sadly, the pizza parlor down the block won’t get my business this Friday, the delivery driver won’t get my tip, and when enough people can’t or won’t participate in the economy people will lose their jobs. But hey, you have free birth control…at least you’ll have something to do when you’re sitting at home watching Jerry Springer wishing someone who knew about business was running the economy.
For those who made it this far, thanks for reading…I’ve never been much of a long winded Facebook poster (I usually just link to other long winded columnists). If you agree with my stance and will be striking also, please LIKE and SHARE this post. I’m really curious to know if I’m the only one that feels this way after Tuesday.
John Sutton
Over the next four years we will see unemployment rise as employers are forced into survival mode. They will lay off employees or reduce hours to offset tax increases and to avoid meeting the minimum number of employees to fall under the ObamaTax mandates. The employment rate when the President took office in January in 2009 was 7.8%. When re-elected it was 7.9%. We will be lucky to be in the single digits when we select our next President in 2016.
As the Fed continues to print money and as the President wages his war on fossil fuels we will see prices at the pumps and on the shelves rise while real disposable income declines. We will see out of pocket costs for health care rise as employers opt to pay the fine ($2K) rather than provide health insurance ($6 - $12K) in order to stay afloat. By 2016, we will have double digit inflation.
Right now we have historically low interests rates, but even this has not loosened the reins on the economy. As inflation kicks in rates will rise which will not only make consumer and business borrowing less attractive, but these same interest rate increases will explode the cost just to service our national debt, much less knock down any principal. Expect to see double digit interest rates by 2016.
All this while enduring perhaps the most corrupt and secretive administration in history (hey, nobody DIED during the Watergate Cover Up) that allows our embassies to be attacked and our drones shot down over international waters without response, all while offering “flexibility” to the nation that is and will be the biggest backer of our Middle Eastern enemies.
Since a majority of Americans in enough states have voted for their self interests over that of the economy, Nation, and Constitution, I will also be going into survival mode like many other American families and business. Consider this my notice of strike action.
It’s simple really. Generally speaking spending falls into five main categories: 1) Taxes (off the top, can’t avoid them) 2) Necessities (you have to eat and sleep) 3) Obligations (you have to honor your commitments) 4) Savings (you won’t work forever) and finally, after taking care of the first four, you have 5) Discretionary income.
When the costs of the first three skyrocket and the returns on the fourth plummet (or even turn NEGATIVE) the only place left to cut is in the last category – discretionary spending. So I’m on strike. I’m not spending – not to intentionally hurt the economy or my fellow Americans but because I have an obligation to myself and my family to provide for our present and try to secure our future, espcecially when the upcoming economic catastrophe is so forseeable. My wife will still pay her tithing and I’ll still support my charitable causes (we count these as voluntary obligations rather than necessities) but going out for date night, buying a new outfit, or taking that trip will be replaced with playing board games at home, stocking up on food storage and water, and moving to somewhere remote.
I worked my way through school tending bar and delivering pizzas, and I was grateful to every customer who gave or left me a tip that supported me for four years. To this day when I go out I am overly generous with my server. Sadly, the pizza parlor down the block won’t get my business this Friday, the delivery driver won’t get my tip, and when enough people can’t or won’t participate in the economy people will lose their jobs. But hey, you have free birth control…at least you’ll have something to do when you’re sitting at home watching Jerry Springer wishing someone who knew about business was running the economy.
For those who made it this far, thanks for reading…I’ve never been much of a long winded Facebook poster (I usually just link to other long winded columnists). If you agree with my stance and will be striking also, please LIKE and SHARE this post. I’m really curious to know if I’m the only one that feels this way after Tuesday.
John Sutton
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