
It has been almost a week without full internet access. John bought me an awesome wedding present...a pink phone that has yahoo directions, facebook, hotmail, and yahoo. My only reservation is that I can't blog on it!!! Anyways, things are going really well here in PA. Harrisburg is a small city but with amazing architecture. At night the light from the street lamps reflect off of the Susquehanna River. Multiple bridges take you in and out from the suburbs to the city. I have an infatuation with bridges and train tracks so this makes me happy.
I live in a small city outside of Harrisburg. It is a small town but all of the building look as though they might have been built during the time of Gone with the Wind....I love it. I live in a small bed and breakfast and Target is only minutes from me!
The job is going really well. I truly love what I do. Everyone is really nice and supportive and I get my own.....(drum roll please)....cubicle! Luckily once I am done with training I will get to work more in the field...I am not really a "sit at a desk" kind of girl.
I miss John. A lot. Most of the people I work with are quite a bit older than me and I am not really sure how to meet people....weird for me I know! Perhaps this will be motivation enough to get back on track with running. It has fallen by the wayside through all of the packing, unpacking, and trying to spend as much time with John as possible!

1 comment:

Farrr Westerner said...

Harrisburg sounds gorgeous! You make the city sounds so romantic (not in a lovey kind of way, but in a postcard, nostalgic-y kind of way). Good luck with your internship--I hope you get out of your cubicle soon.