More to Love...

Ok, so has anyone been watching the "plus-sized" version of the bachelor? I have to say that as a fatty myself I have been dissapointed with the way that they portray large women. On the show I have watched as these beautiful women fight for the time and attention of a very "typical" guy. Each of them are asked questions like "what is the single most life-changing event in your life?" or "what is your biggest trial you have overcome?"....surprise surprise! Each of them say their weight! Ok, so I know I have blogged about life as a fatty before but I definately wouldn't say that I allow my weight to dictate the choices I make in my life or the limits that I set for myself. I think it is sad to see grown women who in their mid-twenties who should have at least a small idea of who they are inside but yet can't see past perceived stereotypes that they are convincing themselves that others have for them. Admittedly, I have accused relationships for not working based on the fact that I am overweight but on a show where the man is obviously looking for a "curvy girl" some of these women get all upset at elimination and claim that "it must be my weight" completely disregarding the fact that it could be that their personality sucks or their values and priorities differ. My second issue is that many of the women on here are professing their love for a man strictly based on the fact that he loves "larger women". I know that when I met John I was impressed by the fact that he didn't judge me for eating a big fat burger with extra bacon or the fact that I shop at a plus-sized store. Yes I LOVE the fact that he thinks I am sexy. But I have to say that these things could be there but without his supportive personality, his impressive knowledge and drive for learning, his manners, his charm, and his goal-driven persona I might not have felt the same way. I think attractiveness should be a given, but it's sad to me when it seems to be the sole criteria for a man you think you want to spend the rest of your life with. I am grateful for John and his love for my very imperfect body. I love the fact that he makes me feel like a sexy, confident woman when I don't always feel that way, but there are so many other things that contribute to our relationship and make it what it is. For that I am thankful.

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