Unpack, get married, repack and leave....

So I think I have a major personality flaw...it's called taking on too much. We are up to our chins in boxes and John went back to work today after our long weekend. Ugh. Where to start. We leave on Friday so John can drop me off in PA. My goal is to get everything unpacked and looking somewhat liveable before I leave. Also I need to repack all the things that are coming with me. When does the normalcy begin???

As for the wedding....thanks for all of the congratulations! Everything went smoothly and my girlfriends sent me a large bouquet of beautiful flowers. We had dinner at the Cheescake factory with John's dad and my parents afterwards. It was great to see my parents again and I was really grateful for the time that we got to spend with them. They were so helpful and supportive. I was glad they got the opportunity to meet John too.

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