Thank goodness for family....

My family has been so great the last month. I have sprung a lot of changes on them and I have really needed their help and support. Last week my Dad drove to California to get all of my stuff from from my storage unit since I will not have time to get it before my new job starts in Pennsylvania. My little brother went with him to help load the stuff and drive the U-Haul. I am so grateful to them for taking the time to help me out with such a big thing. It really relieved a lot of stress for me. My Dad and Mom left this morning to finish driving all of my stuff out here to Wisconsin and also to see me get married on Thursday. When John and I first started talking we had toyed with the idea of an elopement. When I told them I was pretty sure they weren't going to make it. I am so glad they are both making the long drive to bring my stuff and to share in my day!
Now for my future family....John has been amazing in letting me go to Pennsylvania. I don't know many men who are secure enough to let their new wife move to another state for four months just so she can accept the internship of her dreams. I am so excited about this new opportunity. It will be hard but I honestly feel like the experience will be worth it and that we will pull through. He is my rock!


Farrr Westerner said...

Hey, I should fess up that I blog-stalk you...but I just wanted to tell you congratulations on getting married and good luck when you start your internship. So many exciting changes for you, best of luck to you (and John!)

(this is your cousin Lauren, by the way!)

Darwin, Jen, Jensyn, Hurley, Violet, and Daphne said...

Family is amazing. I agree with you. Congratulations on your marriage. What a wonderful thing. Your life seems so exciting. Good luck with your move and internship. You look amazing. And you seem so happy.

Jessie said...

best wishes! your wedding is tomorrow!! congrats, I really wish you all the best :)