More for Katy....

Here are the rest of the pictures....keep in mind that Adam just left and we fixed dinner and had mixed drinks tonight so the kitchen is still a little messy (Amanda needed to try out her new cheese grater...erh ugh...blender.)...I promise we will clean it up before you get back! As you can see it is spacious... at moments you can hear echoes...the dishwasher is amazing! Obviously we chose not to use it tonight.... Below is your room....I can't wait to see it with furniture! However finding a spot for all of this random stuff of ours is another story...can we say two-car garage?
Here is Amanda's room...she is not really sleeping since we are stuck in the middle of season three of the OC...(this causes a loss of sleep on some occasion)
Here is my walk-in closet...the best part about this whole dang apt....I LOVE IT!
Here is our front door...
Just so u know Amanda is currently naked and eating watermelon on our living room floor...(I chose not to take a picture of can thank me later!)...tonight when we were talking to Adam, Amanda and I had a disagreement and Adam being the objective counselor that he is looked at both of us and said that he spent all day moving both of us in and he was not going to help us move out anytime soon so "we had better learn to get along". We miss you and I hope this letter and pictures still get you excited about coming here and living with us since we are counting down the days till you come back! Sam came over and told us our apt was "cute" and I am afraid he is going to move into your room if you don't get back here soon! We love you!
Maeg and Amanda

1 comment:

Jenn said...