Karaoke Queens....with a hint of Asian.

The sushi trance....

So this week has been CrAzY as I prepare to go on vacay for six weeks and I am trying to pack up my entire apartment since I am moving....We decided we needed a girls night out to enjoy pure ecstacy in the form of grade A sushi and karaoke. There is this fantastic place in Fresno that plays 80's music, has karaoke EVERY night, and a rockin sushi roll....Crouching Tiger, Las Vegas, and Yummy Yummy are among our favorites to order....Rachel amazed us with her version of Lean on Me and Amanda and I butchered Time After Time...(Ok, let's be honest. Amanda has an amazing voice...I was the sole butcher). Somehow Candace got away without singing (totally against rules when you hang in my crowd. Your first time requires you sing a solo as part of our initiation rituals...We'll get you back Candace!) I guess we can go easy on her since up till that night she was a complete sushi virgin...welcome to the dark side!


Shandis said...

can I just say I love that glittery curtain behind you!! looks like so much fun! Can't wait to see you!

Amanda said...

It looks like I am going to need to delete pictures before you can post them on your blog....what is up with that face I'm pulling in the threesome picture! AAAAHHHHHH!

rachelsexysmith said...

Maegen "hott stuff" Dabb!,
You have a wonderful voice and have never butchered a song in your life! I miss you like crazy! I hope your having fun on the other side of the equator. Life is stinkin' stressfull right now. You sing amazingly! and sushi 80's is awesome! when I go with you girls!:)