Good things...

Things have been busy around here. My parents came and went. It was so great to have them here to see a glimpse of my life here in WI and to experience some new things with them. Our time was full of The Domes (fabulous indoor gardens in Milwaukee), Dim Sum, gourmet chocolate and hiking. I couldn't believe how quickly time passed while they were here. I was so thankful to have them visit.
Today I canned salsa with the peppers and tomatoes from our garden. My first time solo although it brought back a lot of memories of growing up in a home where summers were for weeding gardens and preserving food. It was tricky trying to do such a large project in my small/humble kitchen but I enjoyed myself. 
On Monday we are planting our Fall garden. Our cucumbers continue to produce along with our zucchini, swiss chard, jalapenos, carrots, and of course tomatoes. But the rest of our garden space will be filled with squash, lettuce, peas and beets. Yum! Today I made this delicious cream of zucchini soup. Some warm whole wheat crusty bread made the perfect addition. This along with the huge thunderstorm outside my window hinted at the beginning of Fall. My most favorite season.
Today marks the 2nd wedding anniversary for my Mr. and I. Time certainly does fly. I am so thankful for him along with the other blessings in my life.

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