Small moments...

My thoughts are scattered and unfocused. Ordinarily, writing has the ability to help me "sort" through things. Tonight everything blends. Beautifully it blends. I am sitting on the couch watching my John be the rockstar Father that he is. His brilliance is lost on 16. Perhaps lost is the wrong word, invested. In ten years, value will be realized.
His leg keeps my feet warm as I type. I am sure it must be rather annoying to continually have cold feet pressed against you. For some reason this is my preference over slippers. Always.
I have become a bit of a "homebody" lately. After a ten hour day, I look forward to coming home. Today was especially long and I walked in the door to find that dinner was almost ready. Things aren't this easy everyday. But mostly.
I want to collect these "snapshots" and put them away. Somewhere safe where they can't deteriorate or crumble. Where I can pull them out an enjoy them on a raining day. Days like this I feel exceptionally lucky.

 Life is good.

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