
This weekend Jenn and Rilee came down from Jersey to go to Gettysburg with me for the weekend. We had a blast! It started snowing on our way down and it was Freezing! After being in CA for the last 2 years I think I have completely turned into a wuss. Being able to spend time with friends, shop, and eat delicious food made up for it though. One of the first things we did was go to a museum which featured life-sized wax sculptures representing some of the events leading up to the war. Let me just say that they were freaky. Some of them were mechanized so when you walked past they would move....I felt like I was in a haunted house they looked so creepy. Also myself and mechanized faxe moving people do not mix. (this could stem from that freaky kids show called Today's Special....anyone remember that???) Thanks RiLee and Jenn for coming down and hanging out! It was fun!


RiLee said...

Can you do my blog as well?

RiLee said...

I also have something in my mouth, what a funny smile I have...the pic at the pub...