To you...

I love the way your eyes follow me.

The way you kiss my forehead when doubt clouds my eyes. You know...the kiss that tells me things will all be ok even though I often lack faith.

I love the fact that you let me go when you want to tell me "stay".

The fact that you rub my stomach. Despite it's largeness you seem to caress it as though you love even that part of me. The one part I have yet to even find acceptance with.

I love the fact that you dance twelve songs with me in one night just to continue our quest for "our perfect song".

I love the way your arm gently grasps my elbow to hold me up when I thought I couldn't stand.

The way you distracted two of my favorite little girls so the loss of a loved one didn't sting so much.

I delight in the way you interact with your nieces and nephews in Spanish as their beloved "tio".

I enjoy the excitement you get in the small things like beds, budgets and homecooked meals.

I revel in the fact that you work so hard to support us.

The way you value education and aren't intimidated by the fact that I do too.

I relish the times when you grab my feet and rub them gently when I am stuck wearing heals all day.

I love that you know my beliefs are unique and even if you don't understand it all yet you appreciate it.

Your politics make me smile.

I like when you scratch my back when we sit in church and even more that you come with me nearly every week.

I enjoy that you don't mind this whole "18 kids" concept.

I laugh because you are so simply entertained by cartoons.

You make me feel invincible and humbled all at the same time.

Thank you Love.


Jessie said...

once again you amaze us all with your writing! you have such talent~

Farrr Westerner said...

That was beautiful. You are lucky to have such love in your life!