Motivation anyone???

So during my trip to the Grand Canyon Jill and I were talking. I have gained a lot of weight since I discovered I have Celiac. It has zapped my energy and that mixed with the anemia I am finding it hard to have the energy to work out as long or as hard as before. I am definately not trying to use this as an excuse but I am a little concerned for my health. Jill is a runner and I joke with her all the time about "always wanting to run a marathon" and of course this is on my list. I have been interval training with a run/walk for three miles a day. I remember a time when that was no issue for me but now it kicks my butt! My closest girlfriends really know how to celebrate and for everyone's 30th bday we do something great. This last trip Jill brought up my 30th...(I can't believe we are discussing this already!) and she suggested the marathon for my bday. Keep in mind that currently I HATE running. I used to enjoy it well enough but now it's so painful! I have 3 1/2 yrs to get my butt back into shape so I can do this! I get to choose the country and the city that we do the marathon in. (No RiLee, I refuse to go to Wyoming!) This year the goal is to get 3-4 5k races under my belt. It seems so overwelming right now especially given my state of mind! I am eager to get settled in my new job so I can start researching races to train for. Right now I am crossing my fingers for PA...just waiting on the state budget to pass. Wish me luck! I will need it!

1 comment:

Jessie said...

good luck! I am sure you can do it. I HaTe running too. I still am trying to figure out how some people love it?? ! I keep thinking about taking it up. We should go running sometime~ I might only make it a block though :)