Bring on 2009!

So the first of each new year gives me the chance to reflect back on the past year, realize my mistakes and figure out how to fix them for the next time....Here are my resolutions for this next year...

1. Prioritize relationships- I want to be more available to my friends and family. Sometimes I feel I am more involved in the lives of my friends than those of my family. I regret and resent this. I am part of a gospel that holds the family unit within the highest regard and yet that same concept is not reflective in my own personal life.

2. Healthier me- So this is not going to be another "I need to lose weight" moment....I am committed to eat only gluten-free foods and in a short time I have seen good changes. I want to be better at this. Also I want to commit sleeping more each night, omitting caffeine, and only allowing positive good things into my life.

3. Improving my relationship to the Gospel- This last year has seen many changes in this dept but I want to take things to the next level by commiting more time to learning, growing and giving more service.

4. Time- I often put all of my time into school and work....forgetting that these are just two small aspects of my life. I need to ensure that my time is spent with things that are of eternal consequence.

2008 was an incredible year full of so many changes and I know this one is going to be big as well. I have so many huge decisions to make and many chapters are drawing to a close. I am eager and excited but also a little scared. I am so blessed to have such strong support from my family and friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go girl! I love your resolutions...I'm bad but I don't think I'm really going to write any new ones for this year. I am still continuing with all of my goals from the middle of last year haha. I love your blog and all of your updates! Who is this boy you speak about in your dream from your other post? I hope that all is going well! Enjoy the semester! We definitely have to stay in touch!