
A friend recently posted a link in which she commented "This link is for Mormons, this girl was a Mormon and now she found Jesus. She wants to reach out." I was dissapointed when I read it and I guess I just need a moment to vent. Of course I am used to all sorts of ridicule when it comes to religion. It's contoversal, I get it. This friend was someone I went through my graduate program with. We work in a field that works to stomp out stereotypes surrounding people with disabilities, addictions, and mental illnesses. We advocate for people dealing with things that most do not understand. We educate others to help them understand different aspects of disabilities because most of the assumptions that people make are WRONG. This creates fear and perpetuates divisions within our society. "People with mental illness are dangerous". "People with physical disabiilties can't work". "People who are addicts won't help themselves". You get the idea. I guess I have stronger expectations because if they are able to recognize the negative implications of stereotypes in this area then surely they must understand it in other areas like religion. This friend is a great person and it is obvious that she has a great love of God and Christ which I respect. But what happened to not stereotyping and not making assumptions to perpetuate incorrect lines of thinking. Mormons are Christian.
I have friends of all different religions including outside of the Christian world. Some don't believe in God at all. They are great people. I respect those that live their lives striving to be better. Those who work to make the lives of others better.

What I can't respect is ignorance.
Education is the cure.

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