
Yesterday I received a call from a close friend berating me because I failed to provide sufficient information on my last blog. She wants recipes, processes, and reports on how things turn out. To tell you the truth most of these "self-sufficient" projects are coming from other people, websites, and other blogs. I will try to remember where I got the information so I can direct you in case you are interested in taking this journey of frugality with me.

So....how did things go you ask? Let me start with the mayonaise. I ended up doing it today given that I have a magic bullet instead of a food processor and there is no opening at the top to drip oil in for the proper emulsification....this will all make sense if you take a look at the recipe. (http://goodlookingcook.blogspot.com/) So I bought a food processor (which I have been needing since I moved back to WI) and still it didn't work. I ended up hand wisking it until all the oil was incorporated and then putting into my magic bullet until it thickened. Oh beautiful, creamy mayo. We eat sandwiches daily at our house and this is a staple! I stuck my finger in and took a lick. I was taken back instantly to that little Italian restaurant located in the basement of a bar. They served baguette with fresh olive oil from the locals. Jenn took a bite and nearly spit it out. The oil was so very flavorful from the natural olives and I think it is an acquired taste. I love some on a fresh baguette but in my mayo this olive oil flavor came on too strong! So disappointed! Now, olive oil comes in all different strengths of flavor. I could get a lighter one but I buy my olive oil in bulk and spending too much more will make the chemical-laden version from the grocery store cheaper, completely defeating my purpose. I will try a different type of oil (like peanut or corn) and it may even be slightly less expensive then I had originally planned. I will keep you posted after my next attempt!

Now, the laundry detergent. I found this recipe on this website:  http://www.thefrugalshopper.com/articles/detergent.shtml ....again I ended up putting the ingredients in my magic bullet (yes I use that for everything around here!) and ta da! It was so simple and took very little time. Here is the cost breakdown for the completed product:
Borax $.32 (portion of $3.00 box)
Washing Soda $.36 (portion of $2.50 box)
Fels-Naptha $1.00
Total was $1.68 for 64 TBLsp (64 loads)
I am paying $.03 a load. Tide from Sams cost me $.31 a load. I do six loads a wk that equals a savings of $87.36 a year and since our home is small it's nice that this new detergent takes up much less space!

Today I made yogurt. Every morning we start our day with a protein shake and end our final workout with a another. Each one has 1/2 c. of yogurt. I did the math and for this healthier homemade version we save on sugar calories as well as lots of money! Together we go through 4 (1/2 c.) servings daily. With our old yogurt from Sams we were paying $626.08 for a year. New yogurt will cost us $116.48 which is a total savings of $509.60! I could definately find other uses for that much money. I will let you know how it tastes although I am not too particular given that we don't eat it plain anyway. It is always mixed with frozen fruit, flax, and protein powder. Also it was simple.

Do you have any ways that you like to save money or become more self-sufficient? I have a lot of ideas for future projects and I am thankful to the whole network of others who are willing to share these ideas and recipes!

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