A New Year...

I love this time of year. Everyone recommitting to things that are (or they think should be) important to them.  I have a few of my own that I am focusing on for 2010. In my younger days this list usually contained things like visiting foreign countries, having exciting adventures, or owning something fabulous. This year especially I am focusing on developing things within me instead. Dostoevsky said that "life is within us, it's not external". I really believe this. Life is shaping ourselves into the person we really want to be. Ten people can have the same experience and it may have ten different impacts on them. This year I can't be certain of what will or will not happen. I can however, control who I become because of it.
Marriage- I am going to be honest. Marriage is hard. I get why the divorce rate in our country is so high. I get why people get frustrated. Why they give up. I always assumed the hard part would be finding the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I have a wonderful husband who I cannot possibly imagine life without. I am convinced we have known each other a lot longer than we really have. He is such a hard worker in all areas of his life. Most importantly he gets me. I have always been "independent" and sometimes even "selfish". I guess I am the product of life full of needing to take care of myself. Feeling guilty when others would try to do things for me. Too proud to ask for help. These traits have gotten me far in my schooling, job, and life in general but they definately don't help in marriage. Especially one that is viewed as a true partnership. This year I am focusing on this transition from "single Maeg" to "married Maeg".
Health-Ok, this is something I include every year. I guess it stems from this idea that you can never be too healthy. I have made huge strides with getting on a regular sleep schedule and waking up early. I have been more active but I need to get a stronger hold on this whole running thing. John and I will be registering for a few 5k races in WI. Also, I have a goal of doing at least one pull-up before the year ends. I know this sounds weird but it's on "the list". I have never in my life been able to do this. Now is my time.
Knowledge- I have mentioned my desire to understand the gospel more fully from a doctrinal perspective. This year I am not going to shy away from the things I don't currently understand. I am going to ask questions and dig deeper.
I am so excited to begin this year. John and I will finally be living together and it will actually feel like we are "married". I will finally finish all the requirements for my master's degree and I will be able to continue doing what I love. (with a pay increase) This year feels full of potential. I look forward to spending it with those I love. I look forward to the new experiences and memories that will be made.

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