we are both boars.
According to Chinese Astrology, we are in for a rough relationship with our clashing personalities. With this disturbing news I turned to the stars....Ok, ok, ok I know what most of you are thinking....I have spent way too much time with "crazies"... I have never been a big believer in astrology (no offense to those who happen to be) but I wanted to find something that would counteract the superstitions that accompanied his news. I wanted to find something that would tell me that our natures were compatible and that we will have a glorious happy ending...you know, the kind you see in the movies. The ones that seem so easy.
Fat chance.
This is what astrologists have to say to me (Aries) in regards to my marriage with John (Cancer)...
"You are a fire sign, and Cancer is water. This is not a favorable combination, and will require lots of effort in order to work. Cancer has a sense of responsibility, a good head when it comes to financial security and real estate decisions. He is constructive, practical, conservative, and likes to settle down. You, Aries, are a fiery, aggressive, independent globe-trotter. See the clash here? Cancer will try to channel all your energetic forces into constructive projects. He will try to "mother" you, and won't understand why you are given to flighty, impractical dramas. The upside of this match: awesome physical attraction. If you both can learn to compromise, compromise, compromise...you can build a steady, interesting, and passionate love relationship."
The disturbing news is that this actually kind of fits us. A lot.
So why am I not worried? This is telling me that our relationship will be rough at first but if we are able to compromise we will have "steady and passionate love". Isn't this true for just about any marriage. I think the hardest part for me is learning to adjust to someone doing and thinking about everything so differently than what I am used to. I must say though...it makes me stronger.
I wouldn't trade it for the stars.
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