Summer break...

Ok, so I want to keep everyone posted on how everything is going here in central CA. I just finished the semester and finally summer is here. I have looked forward to this for the last 4 months of my life as a time for laying by the pool, reading the enormously large stack of unopened books on my shelves, reviewing current research in mental health, cooking up gourmet masterpieces, and traveling through CA with intense focus on the beach and hiking trails. Alas here I am two weeks into the summer and I have merely completely the one single book for book club, I still maintain my light farmer tan for lack of pool time, and with gas prices at $4.50 a gallon I have made one measly trip to the Gilroy outlets two hrs away. Research is still untouched...
...The time hasn't been completely wasted however, I have been organizing my summer trips and working a lot. I love what I do and I am excited to get out of CA for a bit. I am leaving for UTAH on the 19th and for NEW JERSEY on the 21st. I am so excited to see my girlfriends again and to enjoy the culture and couture of NYC. It's amazing to think that I have lived away from there for four yrs now.....time flies.

1 comment:

Shandis said...

Love the blog! I am so excited to see what comes next!! We'll see you soon!